my name is CAITLIN. frankly i am offended by ur whole *pathetic* website. get a life. some friends. and leave us caitlin's alone. we have to suffer enough abuse about our chins and unfortunate noses, we do not need more from PEOPLE LIKE YOU who feel the need to be so immuture about POO. kthanksbye :L:L:L
btw my friend is wettin herself laughin at my resposeXD
For those of you who don't know, Caitlin smells like poo. So, I created a song with those exact lyrics. It can be sung any way that you want to sing it. Everyone includes a different beat and rhythm but keeps the same chorus of "Caitlin Smells Like Poo!" This blog is about that song.
my name is CAITLIN. frankly i am offended by ur whole *pathetic* website. get a life. some friends. and leave us caitlin's alone. we have to suffer enough abuse about our chins and unfortunate noses, we do not need more from PEOPLE LIKE YOU who feel the need to be so immuture about POO. kthanksbye :L:L:L
btw my friend is wettin herself laughin at my resposeXD
caitlin... really? :L
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